Wednesday, 14 March 2012

A Not So Typical Day at Daycare

The morning started off relatively normal...I wish it had continued that way L

The children began arriving promptly at 7:30am. God I hate morning lol especially after Daylight Savings Time. Ugghhh...Anyway the children arrived we had a dance party in the living room while waiting for the last few to show up. Played a little and onward to snack time which takes place at 9am. The children started snack and I got a whiff of something not so pleasant. Off I took Gerty for a diaper change. I should preface by saying this is not the first diaper I have changed. I sat her on the change table and that was just too much for her little diaper. Out the sides it came! As I striped her pants off it moved down her leg and onto the sock she is grabbing for...needless to say the child needed a bath in baby wipes ;(

Once that was done we headed down stairs to the children’s play room, living space, and bathroom.  Here is where the real fun starts! Mildred (yes I run a daycare in the 50’s...okay I changed their names, wouldn’t want them feeling too guilty when they’re older ;) has decided  that today is the perfect day for tantrum after tantrum. For Mildred this consists of hitting other little people and throwing her whole body back and smashing her little head off of whatever. In order to stop her I put her in the excersaucer where she immediately smashes her face off one of the connected toys. This causes her lip to start bleeding (just a little).  While all of this is happening I had asked Winnie to go use the potty. Big mistake! Once I finished helping Mildred calm down and stop the bleeding I ran in to check on Winnie who had ripped up all the new labels I made for all our craft items, calendar items ect. (I was attempting to become a more organized person after having bought the Better Homes and Gardens special organizing edition magazine, as you can see this is not working for me) Ahhhh!!!! While Winnie is cleaning her mess, I hear the TV. I did not turn the TV on...I leave the bathroom to go to the living room to find Rufus playing with all the buttons.  I help him turn the TV off and go to lift him away from the TV when he in turn throws his body back and hits his cheek on my thumb nail...go figure! (Seriously has that ever happened to anyone!?!)  Ahhhh.  All of this by 11:14 am. I will also let you in of the fact that during this process I burnt lunch.

THANK GOD FOR NAP TIME! Ha! If only that went as planned, it didn’t.  Everyone but Winnie went straight to sleep so Winnie decided to wake them all up!

 I am so glad the day is over...and as I was recounting my day to the parents I couldn’t help but break out into laughter, with that being said, is it Friday yet?

Just an FYI for those of you who don’t know me I love the children in my care, and this is not a typical day at Daycare!

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